Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Leaked HTC One M8 Image Shows The Sleek, Metallic Phone With A Case Of The Blues

The HTC One M8 hasn't
been out for all that long,
but it's already feeling the
blues. This isn't just a
slight case of them, either.
According to a leaked
press shot from @evleaks ,
the phone's suffering them
from its heads down to its
toes. Just take a look at
this press image and see for yourself.
It's amazing how a phone with a body to die for
could still find itself so depressed. But to the M8's
credit, this condition runs in the family. The M7 hit
the States last year in a metallic blue option that was
exclusively available through Best Buy.
This may be indicative of a larger psychological
issue. The M8 is apparently going through all sorts of
moods these days, as just last week we saw it
dressed in pink . We're still curious why, but there's a
decent chance the reason was: "Because I wanted to
feel like a princess."
Then again, we've all had those days.


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