Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Google Glass Expands Explorer Program To Anyone In The US 'As Long As We Have It On Hand'

After holding a one day sale, running out of
inventory, and accidentally leaving the store open,
the team behind Google Glass promised to find more
ways to expand the Explorer Program to those who
wanted in.
This evening, Google Glass announced - through
Google+ - that Glass is now available to everyone in
the US, "as long as we have it on hand."
Last week we told you we'd be trying out new
ways to find Explorers. Well, we weren’t
kidding. We learned a lot when we opened
our site a few weeks ago, so we’ve decided
to move to a more open beta. We’re still in
the Explorer Program while we continue to
improve our hardware and software, but
starting today anyone in the US can buy the
Glass Explorer Edition, as long as we have it
on hand:google.com/glass
We’re ready to keep meeting new Explorers,
and we can’t wait to hear all your
experiences and feedback to continue to
make Glass even better, ahead of our wider
consumer release.
The Glass team's vague language leaves the
possibility open that this sale will also close
eventually ahead of an actual public release, so if
you're someone who's been itching to get a hold of
Glass (and you've got the spare cash on hand), hit
the link below and get it while it's hot.

get glass

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